abcnews.go.com Sasha Obama pets Cobbler a 19-week old, 40-pound turkey, as he is pardoned ... 640 × 360 - 70 k - jpg |  firstread.nbcnews.com So which president was the first to actually pardon a Thanksgiving turkey? 600 × 450 - 208 k - jpg |  nydailynews.com The presidential pardoning of the National Thanksgiving Turkeyhas become a ... 635 × 491 - 43 k - jpg |  animalblawg.wordpress.com At Thanksgiving, however, the concept of the pardon gets up-ended. 635 × 429 - 40 k - jpg |
 everynationministries.us President Obama pardons“Courage” in 2011. Thanksgivingin the United States ... 1000 × 682 - 91 k - jpeg |  politico.com "The White House turkey 'pardon' is a sorely outdated event. 605 × 328 - 185 k - jpg |  sogoodblog.com Foreign policy isn't one of them, but thankfully, pardoning turkeysis! 2272 × 1704 - 306 k - jpg |  npr.org ... pardon on Popcorn, theturkey, in a White HouseThanksgiving tradition. 948 × 616 - 35 k - jpg |
 mentalfloss.com ... “pardon” to the bird presented to him the week beforeThanksgiving in ... 560 × 392 - 67 k - jpg |  washingtonpost.com ... joined by daughters Sasha, left, and Malia, during the turkey-pardoning ... 606 × 428 - 55 k - jpg |  usmagazine.com ... gestures during the annualThanksgiving turkey pardonwith his daughters ... 467 × 361 - 83 k - jpg |  commons.wikimedia.org File:George H.W. Bush, turkey pardon.jpg. No higher resolution available. 399 × 271 - 32 k - jpg |
 ktla.com That's because all the turkeys everpardoned at the White House are dead, ... 1920 × 1080 - 719 k - jpg |  collapse.com For anyone paying attention to Presidential turkey pardons, there is, ... 615 × 346 - 125 k - jpg |  usnews.com President Barack Obama pardonsthe 2012 National Thanksgiving Turkey Cobbler ... 620 × 413 - 76 k - jpg |  usgovinfo.about.com No, the Turkey Pardon Didn't Begin With Truman 571 × 457 - 47 k - jpg |
 mentalfloss.com Formalized turkey pardoning ... 560 × 398 - 88 k - jpg |  theblaze.com The Ongoing, Awkward War Between The President & TheTurkey. Photo Credit: 560 × 405 - 69 k - jpg |  joefossinstitute.org Part of the confusion over the origin of the turkey pardon came from ... 400 × 267 - 20 k - jpg |  myjoyonline.com The presidential turkey pardon is a longstanding tradition, the origins of ... 680 × 643 - 311 k - jpg |

El Archivo Histórico de Cali en el cierre anual del ciclo de conferencias de encuentro académico-investigativo Cátedra Abierta Archivo Histórico de Cali invita a las conferencias:
1. Historia de los degenerados en la época republicana
Conferencia a cargo de Juan Carlos Alegría M. Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Valle y Manuel Fernando Arce B. Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Valle
2. El gobierno de los pobres en la España del siglo XVI. Una aproximación al análisis del discurso en los tratados políticos (1525-1598)
Conferencia a cargo de Mauricio Restrepo Peña, Economista, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá. Magister en Historia (candidato), Universidad del Valle
Archivo Histórico de Cali
Tel. 885 88 55 Ext. 124
El próximo 11 de diciembre el Diario Occidente realizará el foro pymes que tendrá como tema central: Venda más en el 2014, mejore sus habilidades comerciales.
Los empresarios tendrán la oportunidad de analizar de manos de expertos todo lo que un empresario debe tener en cuenta para hacer del 2014 un año productivo, rentable y competitivo a partir del aumento de las ventas bajo estrategias efectivas y gerenciales que favorezcan los procesos al interior de la compañía.
Los temas a desarrollar en la jornada serán:
- 8:30 a.m. Estrategias gerenciales orientadas a la venta
- 9:30 a.m. Potencialice su espíritu comercial, todos somos vendedores: técnicas de ventas al servicio
- 10:30 a.m. Break de café
- 11:00 a.m. La tecnología al servicio de sus ventas
No se pierda el speed networking
Recuerde que a partir de las 2:00 p.m. en el foro pymes del Diario Occidente se realiza el speed networking, la rueda de negocios en formato Fast Contact o rápido contacto, método que fue implementado para ofrecer y encontrar servicios y productos, proveedores, proyectos o inversores en un brevísimo espacio de tiempo.
Los participantes, sentados frente a frente, guiados por un dinamizador que indica los cambios y unos monitores que ayudan a seguir la secuencia, logran intercambiar información comercial abundante que posteriormente utilizarán para formalizar el contacto de aquellos con los que hay intereses comerciales comunes. Es indispensable llevar tarjetas de presentación.
Lugar: Club de Ejecutivos
Día: 11 de diciembre
Hora: jornada académica de 7:30 a .m. a 12:00 m.
Speed networking: 2:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m.
Informes: 486 0555

 theatlantic.com Security personnel march in frontof the Great Hall of the People in Beijing ... 570 × 375 - 142 k - jpg |  arrivalguides.com front 500 × 300 - 50 k - jpg |  ww2today.com “Soviet sappers”. Soviet sappers defuse explosive devices during the ... 682 × 1024 - 349 k - jpg |  davidstillwell.co.uk ... Toronto Star (inc print edition), NBC (inc front ... 1298 × 731 - 416 k - jpg |
 salon.com Russian activist detained for anti-Putin prayer 1280 × 960 - 218 k - jpg |  worldofdecay.blogspot.com Great Atlantic Hurricane of 1944 in New Jersey 841 × 535 - 143 k - jpg |  en.wikipedia.org ... Soviet POWs (see Vlasov army). These results and missed opportunities ... 220 × 340 - 18 k - jpg |  iopscience.iop.org ... Atlantic sector of the Arctic reach and exceed the previously defined ... 821 × 222 - 321 k - jpg |
 theatlantic.com Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, center, in animated conversation with ... 1247 × 795 - 575 k - jpg |  en.wikipedia.org Battle of Stalingrad 1201 × 921 - 246 k - png |  atlanticyardsreport.bl... ... then the perceived front-runner for mayor, over Brooklynites Bill de... 972 × 1060 - 136 k - jpg |  greenpeace.org.au Action against Trawler in NorthAtlantic. 14. A team of six Greenpeace ... 600 × 399 - 37 k - jpg |
 robot6.comicbookresour... B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: Russia #2, by Dave Johnson 600 × 922 - 93 k - jpg |  arrivalguides.com Guides for United States: AtlanticBeach · Branson · Coronado · Dallas ... 500 × 300 - 45 k - jpg |  theatlantic.com Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Defence Minister Pavel Grachev (right) ... 1853 × 1293 - 853 k - jpg |  lut.fi The Russian students with the postgraduate students and teachers from the ... 615 × 400 - 254 k |
 atlanticyardsreport.bl... ... Coliseum by mid-July, both of the two (of four) perceived front-runners, ... 855 × 474 - 143 k - jpg |  salon.com Israel warns Russia against giving Syria missiles 1280 × 960 - 275 k - jpg |  m.theatlanticcities.com A protester kneels in front of police standing guard in front of the ... 1000 × 703 - 581 k - jpg |  theatlantic.com The photo shows Soviet soldiers raising the flag of the Soviet Union on top ... 1247 × 882 - 349 k - jpg |

 news.nationalpost.com ... Rim of the Pacific exercises, the world's largest maritime drills. 620 × 465 - 173 k - jpg |  voiceofrussia.com China is flexing its muscles in thePacific Ocean 460 × 268 - 58 k - jpg |  bdlive.co.za MOSCOW — Russia's central bank chief said on Wednesday that nearly $50bn, ... 400 × 250 - 13 k |  smh.com.au Russian President Vladimir Putin is greeted by Indonesia's President Susilo ... 620 × 349 - 52 k - jpg |
 blu-ray.com Just as the Pacific theater of operations was home to a drastically ... 728 × 409 - 275 k - jpg |  vancouversun.com Russia: $1.22 per litre. In this August 6, 2012 file photo, RussianPrime ... 620 × 400 - 115 k - jpg |  news.com.au A Russian Coast Guard ship (front) and Gazprom's 'Prirazlomnaya' Arctic oil ... 650 × 366 - 36 k - jpg |  thecollectiveint.com Russian Leader Putin Goes Full Bond Baddie In His Mini Submarine 634 × 376 - 108 k - jpg |
 en.wikipedia.org Asian and Pacific theatre of World War I 913 × 665 - 264 k - jpg |  heathcliffomalley.phot... Vladivostok, Russia 25 November 2007.Russian sailors walking 200 × 132 - 20 k - jpg |  independent.ie Diplomats in two-front Syria effort 341 × 342 - 19 k - jpg |  en.wikipedia.org Pacific War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 400 × 271 - 28 k - jpg |
 vancouversun.com A woman holds a poster depictingRussian President Vladimir Putin during a ... 620 × 400 - 32 k - jpg |  boston.com ... a restaurant and inn for loggers and fishermen. russian river sunset.JPG 448 × 300 - 93 k - jpg |  washingtonpost.com Members of the Mars500 crew, Alexey Sitev of Russia, frontcenter; ... 606 × 870 - 148 k - jpg |  trove.nla.gov.au Hall, Hugh P: [ Photograph : 1938 ]: Yura Lazovsky as The Barman (front ... 150 × 105 - 5 k - pic-vn4179085-t |
 globalpost.com Ukraine, EU deal complicated byRussia and dream of a Eurasian Union 650 × 433 - 56 k - jpg |  smh.com.au ... billions of dollars in investment to declare Russia a Pacificplayer. 620 × 349 - 42 k - jpg |  huffingtonpost.com ... selected Smoky as the best Mascot in the Southwest Pacific Theater of ... 570 × 727 - 126 k - jpg |  concen.org A flood of Russian armored cars move toward the front, on October 19, 1941. 991 × 656 - 488 k - jpg |

 huffingtonpost.co.uk o-OBAMA-THANKSGIVING-TURKEY-PARDON-570.jpg?1 570 × 395 - 92 k - jpg |  huffingtonpost.com Turkey Pardon 300 × 219 - 22 k - jpg |  news.yahoo.com Obama pardons turkeys Cobbler and Gobbler 640 × 433 - 79 k - jpg |  xplr.com At Wednesday's (weird, gross) presidential turkey pardon, Sasha Obama's ... 4428 × 3129 - 5447 k - jpg |
 thehill.com Obama puts turkey pardon up for a vote. By Justin Sink. Getty Images 645 × 363 - 66 k - jpg |  businessinsider.com ... Thank Abe Lincoln's 11-Year-Old Son For The PresidentialTurkey Pardon 2934 × 2200 - 449 k - jpg |  topics.gannett.com And the turkey Obama pardonsis... November 27, 2013 | WTSP-TV - 640 × 360 - 39 k - jpg |  thedailybeast.com 1353535012665.cached.jpg 1200 × 800 - 86 k - jpg |
 thefiscaltimes.com Pardon Me, Mr. President | The Fiscal Times 600 × 470 - 48 k - jpg |  bite.ca Origins of the Turkey PresidentialPardon 580 × 511 - 87 k - jpg |  wcvb.com 10 things to know today: White House turkey pardons 640 × 360 - 108 k - jpg |  worldmeets.us of pardoning a turkey, which is then permitted to live out the 399 × 271 - 26 k - jpg |
 bhavanajagat.com This particular Turkey is receiving the President's Pardon and is not at ... 584 × 334 - 26 k - jpg |  dailytelegraph.com.au US PRESIDENT Barack Obamapardoned a Thanksgiving turkey overnight, ... 650 × 366 - 41 k - jpg |  wbir.com 1385585208000-turkey-pardon.jpg 200 × 200 - 9 k - jpg |  3quarksdaily.com The Presidential Turkey "Pardon" as Dark Parody 320 × 240 - 16 k |
 wjla.com President Barack Obama haspardoned two plump turkeys in an annual holiday ... 296 × 197 - 12 k - jpg |  kfwbam.com turkey-pardon-2013.jpg?w=640 640 × 480 - 35 k - jpg |  elporvenir.mx El perdón presidencial del pavo precede el principal feriado nacional de ... 350 × 227 - 68 k - jpg |  calgaryherald.com After the pardoning, the turkeytravels to George Washington's Mount Vernon ... 640 × 451 - 36 k - jpg |