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Welcome to Spring Semester 2013
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Two days, two weeks
First of all, this is my 995th post on this website/blog. Amazing.
In two days and two weeks, my photo exhibition will open at the library. The two girls in this photo are good friends of mine from Bocas del Palo. They are in more photos than anyone else. I feel a little bad about that, but the photos are different and all good. The curator agreed and said it doesn’t matter. Jessica is next to me and Yari is next to her. They will be coming to the opening along with two busloads of folks from the town. We will have traditional food and drink from the coast for all the guests. And, I’m supposed to make a little speech. It will be in Spanish and fairly short. Maybe, Jessica and Yari can stand with me while I speak, to give me support.
Tonight, I went to an opening at the library of a show of large paintings. Everyone was dressed up a lot. It was an older crowd. I was talking to the curator about that. He said my opening will be more casual. I said, for sure, and I will not be wearing a suit. I may have a new pair of jeans on and a new shirt, but that’s it. Also, it will be a younger crowd. And, I will probably know the majority of the people who come. It will be fun.
I bought my ticket back to the US. I leave on August 20 and will be in the states for 2 months. I have to come back to Cali in October to work on a book with the teacher in Bocas del Palo. We plan to do a book on the history of the town. After that, I don’t know how long I will stay here. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do next. I really would like to sell my house in Longview, Wa., and then be able to buy a small place in Mesa, Arizona, near my son and his wife. I could finally have a place to put my remaining belongings that I have in a small storage unit. I could live in Arizona part of the year and somewhere else the other part of the year. I’ve been thinking that Mexico might be a good place, perhaps, Merida, near the coast. I would like to spend more time in the states and be able to see my kids and grandkids. But, I also want to continue to live abroad part of the year. Preferably, a Spanish speaking country. I still love Colombia a lot and it will always be my second home, as my friends here say. But, it seems that lately, I’ve lost so many friends. Most have moved to other cities, or, even abroad. As my Caleña friend, Natalia, who’s living and working near DC, said, “I’m afraid when I return to Cali I won’t know anyone.” It may be easier for me to move on next fall then it would have been a year ago.