Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
FIX University Studies the Columbian Presidential Elections

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- Factsheet ON March 5, 2010 Ten Steps to a Free Iran
- Lecture ON September 23, 2009 Missile Defense and the Defense of Freedom
- Backgrounder ON March 24, 2010 Obama’s Capital Gains Tax Hike Unlikely to Increa ...
- WebMemo ON February 25, 2010 How President Obama’s Budget Will Demolish Welfar ...
- Center for Data Analysis Report ON March 4, 2010 The 2009 Index of Dependence on Government
- Backgrounder ON March 2, 2010 More Government Preschool: An Expensive and Unnec ...
- WebMemo ON April 6, 2010 Deadlines and Delays: Chinese Revaluation Will Still Not Bring American Jobs
- Factsheet ON April 5, 2010 The START Treaty: Undermining National Security
- News Releases ON April 5, 2010 Cambridge Audience to View '33 Minutes'
- WebMemo ON April 2, 2010 Heritage Employment Report: March Jobs Report Springs Forward
- WebMemo ON April 2, 2010 Iran Economic Sanctions at the U.N. Security Council: The Incredible Shrinking Resolution
- Apr 06 0Is Head Start Helping Children Succeed and Does Anyone Care?
If you’ve heard the results of the recent Head Start Impact Study, congratulations. You are one of the few Americans...
- Apr 06 0Russia: New START Clearly Links Missile Reduction with Missile Defense
This Thursday President Barack Obama is scheduled to sign a follow on agreement to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty...
- Apr 06 0President Obama, Why Won’t You Defend Us?
President Barack Obama today released five specific objectives regarding the United States’ future nuclear force, but...
- Apr 07
- Apr 13
- Apr 13
- Apr 14
- Mar 30
2010 Index of Economic Freedom
For over a decade, The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation have tracked the march of economic freedom around the world with the influential Index of Economic Freedom.
Let Me Rise: The Struggle to Save School Choice in the Nation’s Capital
Told through the voices of the children whose educational futures hang in the balance, Let Me Rise is a 30-minute film produced by Heritage about the school choice debate in our nation’s capital.
Seek Social Justice: Transforming Lives in Need
Problems like poverty, addiction, and homelessness are serious and complex. Seek Social Justice is a six-lesson DVD small group study guide that provides a framework for understanding and engaging human need.
Culture For Freedom: How Family and Religion Promotes the Common Good
How can we promote true freedom? What kind of economic policy best advances human dignity? The way we answer these questions will determine the character of our culture.
- WebMemo posted March 30, 2010 by Kathryn Nix Top Ten Disasters of the Health Care Reform Overhaul
- Backgrounder posted March 1, 2006 by Tim Kane, Ph.D. The Real Problem with Immigration... and the Real Solution
- Backgrounder posted January 5, 2004 by Kirk Johnson, Ph.D. Understanding Poverty in America
- factsheet on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 The Patriot's Guide: What You Can Do for Your Country
- Legal Memorandum posted December 9, 2009 by Randy Barnett Why the Personal Mandate to Buy Health Insurance Is Unprecedented and Unconstitutional
- Center for Data Analysis Report posted March 4, 2010 by William Beach The 2009 Index of Dependence on Government
- Backgrounder posted February 24, 2010 by Nina Owcharenko The Health Care Summit: A Chance to Start Over and Get It Right
- Backgrounder posted June 5, 2000 by Patrick Fagan, Ph.D. The Effects of Divorce on America
- Backgrounder posted July 7, 2005 by Daniel Mitchell, Ph.D. A Brief Guide to the Flat Tax
- Backgrounder posted March 26, 2010 by James Phillips Iran's Nuclear Program: What Is Known and Unknown
- blog post on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 Obama: Still a ways to go in Central and Eastern Europe
- blog post on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 President Obama, Why Won’t You Defend Us?
- blog post on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 It’s Time to Terminate California’s Cap and Trade System
- WebMemo posted April 6, 2010 by Derek Scissors, Ph.D. Chinese Currency Revaluation Will Not Bring American Jobs
- blog post on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 Is NATO a Pretend Alliance?
- blog post on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 The Future of the Special Relationship
- blog post on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 Morning Bell: The Road to a New Nuclear Arms Race
- blog post on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 Get A Job So We Can Tax You
- blog post on Monday, April 05, 2010 Side Effects: Obamacare Doesn't Work on Children After All
- blog post on Monday, April 05, 2010 Side Effects: Higher Health Insurance Taxes
- James Sherk writes an op-ed on job creation in The St. Paul Pioneer Press
- Dan Holler op-ed on more Big Government proposals in Human Events
- Kathryn Nix writes an op-ed on Obamacare as a disaster in Human Events
- James Sherk writes an op-ed on the jobs bill in The Green Bay Press Gazette
- James Carafano writes an op-ed on the Obama Administration's foreign policy in The Washington Examiner
- William Murchison writes about Rep. Paul Ryan's address to the Dallas Community Committee
- The Morning Bell "Side Effects of Obamacare" commentary in The Daily Caller
- Ben Lieberman writes a post on Obama’s offshore oil policy in NRO’s "The Corner"
- Hans von Spakovsky writes an op-ed on voting rights for felons in AOL News
- Ed Feulner writes an op-ed on opposing Obamacare in Townhall.com
- Blog Post on 4/6/2010 11:51:47 AM Obama: Still a ways to go in Central and Eastern Europe
- Blog Post on 4/6/2010 11:39:26 AM President Obama, Why Won’t You Defend Us?
- Blog Post on 4/6/2010 9:07:39 AM It’s Time to Terminate California’s Cap and Trade System
- Blog Post on 4/6/2010 7:01:10 AM Is NATO a Pretend Alliance?
- Blog Post on 4/6/2010 6:34:52 AM The Future of the Special Relationship
- Blog Post on 4/6/2010 6:22:01 AM Morning Bell: The Road to a New Nuclear Arms Race
- Blog Post on 4/6/2010 6:15:42 AM Get A Job So We Can Tax You
- Blog Post on 4/5/2010 11:21:04 AM Side Effects: Obamacare Doesn't Work on Children After All
- Blog Post on 4/5/2010 11:20:58 AM Side Effects: Higher Health Insurance Taxes
- Blog Post on 4/5/2010 11:20:49 AM Side Effects: Young to Pay Higher Health Insurance Premiums

New Report
Heritage Foundation Jobs Report
162,000 jobs were added during March, but unemployment remained at 9.7%. The recovery will be slow and arduous, and Congress’s pushing of higher taxes and regulation on business will make it even slower. Read More
Don't Miss
UN Sanctions for Iran
President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy want the UN to get tougher on Iran and impose economic sanctions, but UN members like China and Russia can use their veto power. What is the solution? Read More
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Side Effects of Obamacare
Now that Obamacare has passed, we are finding out what is actually in the bill. Keep up with the Foundry as we expose new things about it everyday. Read More
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Leadership for America
The Obama Administration's engagement policy toward Iran has failed to defuse the nuclear standoff. Instead, Iran has continued to conceal and lie about its nuclear weapons program.
Continue ReadingWe know the dire results from an EMP, thanks to U.S. and Soviet nuclear tests in the 1960s. Yet Washington policymakers still bicker over the need for defenses that make such weapons pointless.
Continue ReadingGovernment spending does not create jobs, and the lack of job creation continues to be the main cause of high unemployment. Washington should encourage private-sector investment and...
Continue ReadingThe number of people who are dependent on the government grew in 2009, but the number of people paying for the benefits is shrinking. What can be done?
Continue ReadingPresident Obama wants to add billions to a $25 billion budget. Problem is, most kids already go to preschools. Who would it help?
Continue ReadingLatest Research
Asia 2010: The View from Capitol Hill
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